Rodeo Royalty

2025 Queen

Emma Ortiz

Meet our 2025 Queen – Emma Ortiz

Hello! My name is Emma Ortiz and I am so excited to be representing as the 2025 Rodeo De Santa Fe Queen. I was not raised rodeoing but the second I experienced my first one I was hooked!

I am from Rio Rancho but currently am a sophomore at New Mexico State University this year Studying Digital Film Making and I am an avid photographer/videographer and love to go shoot videos/pictures that I can post to my media account EIO Media
While at NMSU I am also competing on the Ranch Horse Team where I am training my 3 year old quarter horse to do reining and cow work.

I plan to be a great representative and cannot wait to see you all at the 2025 Rodeo De Santa Fe!

2025 Princess

Lexi Taylor

Meet our 2025 Princess – Lexi Taylor

Lexi Taylor is a 14 year old freshman at Hope Christian. She holds the title of Rodeo de Santa Fe princess.

Lexi enjoys teaching little cowgirls how to ride and has a passion for animals. In her free time, you can find Lexi with friends or working on her side-hustle, a company called Diamond W Tack, featuring hand-beaded breast collars and Lexi’s very own templates and leather work.

Lexi plans to join a college rodeo team and become a performance vet.

2025 Sweetheart

Kenzie Caldwell

Meet our 2025 Rodeo de Santa Fe Sweetheart – Kenzie Caldwell

Kenzie Caldwell is 10 years old and lives in Albuquerque, NM. She is an active member of AQHA and her local 4-H. Kenzie comes from a long line of horsewomen and is grateful to continue on with the tradition! Her future goals and aspirations include becoming a large animal veterinarian and to be a future Miss Rodeo America.

Rodeo Royalty Applications

 Contest Date: June 6th & 7th, 2025 (Schedule to be given at Orientation)

Orientation May 31st, 2025  –  Mandatory!!

Application Deadline: May 31, 2025

Queen contestants must be between the ages of 18 and 25; Princess Contestants must be between the ages of 13-17;  Sweetheart age group 9 to 12.

Please continue to follow us for further details of the contest.

Candidates must be within 100 mile radius of Santa Fe and available for Rodeo, City promotions and various functions throughout their year of reign. The contest will be held in the Rodeo de Santa Fe arena. Contestants will be judged on knowledge of PRCA rodeo, animal welfare, horsemanship, outgoingness, appearance and public speaking.

The Queen will receive a $1000 monetary scholarship, or, custom saddle, custom made crown, buckle, and sash. The Queen will travel Statewide to represent RDSF at PRCA Sanctioned rodeos as well as any local area events. The Princess receives a custom made crown, buckle, and sash. The Princess will represent along side the Queen locally and at Open Rodeos.

The Sweetheart will Represent RDSF at any local community events along with the Queen and or Princess. She is welcome to represent at any local rodeos but not PRCA Sanctioned unless PR appearances needed. The incoming royalty will be crowned Friday June 20th a at the luncheon of this year’s rodeo, their reign will begin at Saturday June 21st at that nights performance, through next years rodeo.

The incoming Queen will have the opportunity to compete for NM State Fair Queen in September 2026 or Miss Rodeo New Mexico in October 2026.

There is a $75 application fee and the last date for application is May 31st, 2025. The contest will take place June 6th & 7th, 2025. Tentative and subject to change.

Any interested young ladies should contact Fiona at (505) 699-1527 or email
